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Vand Pui Rottweiler
Oferta | | Poză 2012-06-10, 7:51 PM
Vand Pui Rottweiler.Am 5 pui.Un baiat si 4 fete.Tatal este din Ucraina si are pedigree.Mama lot este din Romania.Puii s-au nascut pe 18 Aprilie 2012.Rasa este Standard (mijlocie).Pretul este negociabil.450 Ron.
Persoană de contact: Chesnoiu Razvan E | Telefon: 0732153078
Vizualizări: 364 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comentarii : 1
1 Ineis  
in Beijing I have to wrap my whole body in tights and worse, berofe struggling into the long and impractical overgarments. I imagine it must be quite a problem for you keeping the local bits of rough at bay, so I can see that multiple layers would give you time to get away if your weren't in the mood.It might be easier to not be blonde though.

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